
Academic Journal Articles
‘Thatcher’s Policy Unit and the “Neoliberal Vision”‘. With A. Davies and J. Freeman. Journal of British Studies. 62:1 (2023), 77-103. [Free online access]
‘Bad Piano? Bad Music? A Response to Comments on Lowe and Pemberton, The Official History of the British Civil Service Vol 2 1982-1997′. The Political Quarterly, 91:1 (2021. [Free online access].
‘“Everyman a Capitalist” or “Free to Choose”? Exploring the tensions within Thatcherite individualism.’ With A. Davies and J. Freeman. The Historical Journal, 61:2 (2017), 477-501. [Free full-text preprint].
‘WASPI’s is (mostly) a campaign for inequality’. The Political Quarterly, 88:3 (2017), 510-16. [Free full-text preprint].
‘Friends and neighbours voting revisited: the geography of support for candidates to lead the UK Labour Party’. With R. Johnston, C. Pattie, D. Cutts and M. Wickham-Jones. Political Geography, 55 (2016), 1-9. [Free full-text preprint]
‘“If You’ve Got Friends and Neighbours”: Constituency Voting Patterns for the UK Labour Party Leader in 2010’. With R. Johnston, C. Pattie and M. Wickham-Jones. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 26:1 (2016), 58-77. [Free full-text preprint]
‘Factionalism in the Parliamentary Labour Party and the 2015 leadership contest‘. With M. Wickham-Jones. Renewal, 23:3 (2015), 5-21. [Free full-text preprint].
‘Brothers all? The operation of the electoral college in the 2010 Labour leadership contest’. With M. Wickham-Jones. Parliamentary Affairs, 66:4 (2013), 708-31. [Free full-text preprint].
‘Labour’s lost grassroots: the rise and fall of Labour party membership’. With M. Wickham-Jones. British Politics, 8:2 (2013), 181-206. [Free full-text preprint].
‘The failure of “nationalisation by attraction”: Britain’s cross-class alliance against earnings-related pensions in the 1950s’, Economic History Review 56:4 (2012), 1428-49. [Free full-text preprint]
‘“What matters is what works”: from “national superannuation” to “personal accounts”’, British Politics, 5:1 (2010), 41-64. [Free full-text postprint].
‘The ‘winter of discontent’ in British politics’. With L. Black. Political Quarterly, 80:4 (2010), 553-61.
‘Macro-economic crisis and policy revolution’, Renewal, 17:1 (2010), pp. 46-56. [Free full text version]
‘Strange days indeed: British politics in the 1970s’, Contemporary British History, 23:4 (2009), 583-95.
‘Taxation and Labour’s modernisation programme, 1964–5’. Contemporary British History, 20:3 (2006), 423-40.
‘Relative decline and British governance in the 1960s’, The Historical Journal, 47:4 (2004), 989-1013.
‘Learning and change in 20th century British economic policy’. With M. J. Oliver. Governance, 17:3 (2004), 415-41.
‘Learning, governance and economic policy’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 5:4 (2003), 500-24.
‘A taxing task: combating Britain’s relative decline in the 1960s’, Twentieth Century British History, 12:3 (2001), 354-75.
‘Policy networks and policy learning: UK economic policy in the 1960s and 1970s’, Public Administration, 78:4, (2000), 771-92.
Chapters in edited books (selected)
‘The Civil Service’, in D. Brown, R. Crowcroft and G. Pentland (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern British Political History, 1800-2000. Oxford University Press, 2018.
‘UK Pensions: the making and breaking of a welfare consensus’ in E. Eklund, M. Oppenheimer, and J. Scott (eds.), The State of Welfare: Comparative Studies of the Welfare State at the End of the Long Boom, 1965–1980. Peter Lang, 2018.
‘Economic policy and practice’ in M. Wadsworth and J. Bynner, A Companion to Life Course Studies: The Social and Historical Context of the British Birth Cohort Studies. Routledge, 2011, reissued in paperback in 2014.
‘Taxation and Labour’s modernisation programme’ in G. O’Hara and H. Parr The Wilson Governments 1964-1970 Reconsidered. Routledge, 2006.
‘The transformation of the economy’ in P. Addison & H. Jones, A Companion to Contemporary Britain, 1939-2000. Blackwell, 2005.
Full list of publications
Available on the University of Bristol’s Research Portal.